Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Seventh Generation

Today's post will be one of many concerning the question, "So what can I do?" We can all make changes in our daily purchases that are more environmentally responsible. If a large enough percentage of our population does so, the positive impact could be great.

I came across one website and line of products that, while I have not tried them, I likely will give a few of them a try in my own home soon.

The products at Seventh Generation are geared toward environmental sustainability and creating a non-toxic environment inside of the home (by not using dyes and frangrances, for example). The site is a great information source otherwise.

While in future posts, I might detail specific "things you can do" to make a positive envirohuman impact, in the meantime, here's something to get you thinking: http://www.seventhgeneration.com/

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