Monday, May 7, 2007

Bag the bags

An easy little contribution you can make toward a positive envirohuman impact: buy reusable cloth grocery bags. They're cheap and they take neither trees (as paper bags do) nor oil (as most plastic bags do) to make. And once you've purchased them, they're yours forever -- bring them with you every time you go to the store and in one more way, you're becoming part of the solution!

When you use paper, the problem is that your consumption leads to more trees being cut down or recycled paper being diverted from its other uses. Plastic bags are bad in two ways: oil is primarily used to make the bags and so a finite resource is being used for something that rarely makes it into recycling bins. Furthermore, plastic bags can take 1,000 years or more to break down in nature.

Some stores, such as Trader Joe's, sell reusable cloth bags near the checkout counter while there are also online merchants from whom you can purchase them.

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