Thursday, May 10, 2007

Let's Define "envirohuman impact"

We're going to begin over the next series of posts to examine exactly what is meant by the term, "envirohuman impact." It sounds simple and self-explanatory, and in many ways, that's true.

But it's a word of my own invention and one that I would like to see taken up for everyday use. The idea behind it is old -- it is the idea that decisions that humans make have an impact on the environment. But it does not stop there -- people have come to care increasingly yet again about those decisions.

Why? Because our impacts on the environment eventually impact our "human" lives. Hence, "envirohuman impact." Cheesy? Some might say so -- but it's a usable term for an idea for which a usable definition, rather than a roundabout explanation like that above, is coming soon.

Also, next we'll look at how this term could become very important for our society and how I hope that it, or at least its premise, might shape those decisions that have the largest envirohuman impact.

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